Welcome to the JCU Reef and Ocean Ecology Laboratory Website

Students and staff in the Reef and Ocean Ecology Laboratory largely focus on whole organism marine ecology. The emphasis of those in the laboratory is on ecological questions that relate to reef fishes, the habitats they live in and the degree to which they are protected. We also work on the oceanographic links between populations of fishes and invertebrates. As a result of venturing into the pelagic environment we have also had many projects on the ecology jellyfishes, including those that are dangerous to humans.

The main campus of James Cook University is based on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). As a result, therefore we have access so some the most beautiful and diverse coral reefs in the world. The reef extends over 2000 km and, at last count, includes about 2500 individual reefs.   This matrix of reefs that in some cases extend hundreds of kilometres from the coast, provides amazing opportunities for research on whole reef assemblages as well as individual groups and species of fishes and invertebrates. The coastal regions of Queensland also offer a plethora of opportunity to our research group in that here we find deadly jellyfish and fishes that spend some time in estuaries and the rest of lives in reefal waters of the GBR.

The intent of this web site is to explain more about what this research group does, the people, and some of the projects we are undertaking. There are also images of where we work, Townsville and it surroundings and some of our favourite study animals; there are also some sources for background information on reef-based organisms and ecosystems. If you would like to work with us we also provide some details on how to get involved in the JCU postgraduate program.

Mike Kingsford



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